What is a Landing Page?

Landing Page on Multiple Devices

Converting clicks to sales is the goal of digital marketing. A landing page is the tool that will help you make that happen. Below, we’re explaining exactly what a landing page is and how creating one (or more!) can help you increase sales.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a web page used specifically as a place for visitors to land after clicking on an ad or link. The goal of the page is to present a call to action. That call to action can be anything from downloading a free e-book to purchasing, a product or service, to signing up for an event.

When designing landing pages, simplicity is key. Your visitors should see the page and immediately know what they need to do, and what they’ll get from your offer. Keep your text short and sweet, share a quality image, and make it easy for your visitors to use and share your page. Focus your content on the benefit to the visitor and how you can help them solve their problems!

The Difference Between a Homepage and Landing Page

The first difference between a homepage and landing page is the audience you’re trying to reach with each. Those who visit your landing page have already been introduced to your company and chose to click on an advertising link, social media post or an email marketing message. Your homepage, on the other hand, should serve as the introduction to your company. The focus of your homepage should be less about selling and more about greeting your website visitors.

Landing Pages serve one purpose – to get the information you need. These pages are simple, without any options outside of entering information or closing out of the window. You don’t want to distract visitors with any extras. Homepages should be designed to make it easy for visitors to navigate and find the information they’re looking for. Homepages should include links to other pages on your site, links to social media accounts, and ways to contact your company.

Types of Landing Pages

Landing Page LayoutWhen creating a landing page, you’ll want to choose between two basic types – a lead generation page and a click-through page. Lead generation pages include a form that the visitor will need to fill out. Click-through pages include a simple button that the visitor will click to finish an action. Check out these examples of landing pages to see how other companies have used these two types.

Elements of a Landing Page

Whichever type of landing page you choose, it should always include the following elements.
A single page dedicated only to one specific campaign.
A headline and short explanation of the benefits of the offer.
An image or images that fits the theme of the offer or shows what the customer will get.
A form for collecting information or a button to click for more information.
A confirmation page after the information is collected.

Using Our Drag and Drop Page Builder Tool to Design a Landing Page

Because landing pages are simple and have one goal, they’re relatively easy to design. Use our Page Builder Tool to start making yours. Just choose a template, create a web form or add a button, and you’ll have a powerful digital marketing tool in just minutes.

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